import { BasePoint, BaseRange, Editor, Element, Point, Range, Transforms } from 'slate'; import { BlockType, MarkType } from './Elements'; import { EmoticonElement, FormattedText, HeadingLevel, LinkElement, MentionElement } from './slate'; export const isMarkActive = (editor: Editor, format: MarkType) => { const marks = Editor.marks(editor); return marks ? marks[format] === true : false; }; export const toggleMark = (editor: Editor, format: MarkType) => { const isActive = isMarkActive(editor, format); if (isActive) { Editor.removeMark(editor, format); } else { Editor.addMark(editor, format, true); } }; export const isBlockActive = (editor: Editor, format: BlockType) => { const [match] = Editor.nodes(editor, { match: (node) => Element.isElement(node) && node.type === format, }); return !!match; }; type BlockOption = { level: HeadingLevel }; const NESTED_BLOCK = [ BlockType.OrderedList, BlockType.UnorderedList, BlockType.BlockQuote, BlockType.CodeBlock, ]; export const toggleBlock = (editor: Editor, format: BlockType, option?: BlockOption) => { const isActive = isBlockActive(editor, format); Transforms.unwrapNodes(editor, { match: (node) => Element.isElement(node) && NESTED_BLOCK.includes(node.type), split: true, }); if (isActive) { Transforms.setNodes(editor, { type: BlockType.Paragraph, }); return; } if (format === BlockType.OrderedList || format === BlockType.UnorderedList) { Transforms.setNodes(editor, { type: BlockType.ListItem, }); const block = { type: format, children: [], }; Transforms.wrapNodes(editor, block); return; } if (format === BlockType.CodeBlock) { Transforms.setNodes(editor, { type: BlockType.CodeLine, }); const block = { type: format, children: [], }; Transforms.wrapNodes(editor, block); return; } if (format === BlockType.BlockQuote) { Transforms.setNodes(editor, { type: BlockType.QuoteLine, }); const block = { type: format, children: [], }; Transforms.wrapNodes(editor, block); return; } if (format === BlockType.Heading) { Transforms.setNodes(editor, { type: format, level: option?.level ?? 1, }); } Transforms.setNodes(editor, { type: format, }); }; export const resetEditor = (editor: Editor) => { Transforms.delete(editor, { at: { anchor: Editor.start(editor, []), focus: Editor.end(editor, []), }, }); toggleBlock(editor, BlockType.Paragraph); }; export const createMentionElement = ( id: string, name: string, highlight: boolean ): MentionElement => ({ type: BlockType.Mention, id, highlight, name, children: [{ text: '' }], }); export const createEmoticonElement = (key: string, shortcode: string): EmoticonElement => ({ type: BlockType.Emoticon, key, shortcode, children: [{ text: '' }], }); export const createLinkElement = ( href: string, children: string | FormattedText[] ): LinkElement => ({ type: BlockType.Link, href, children: typeof children === 'string' ? [{ text: children }] : children, }); export const replaceWithElement = (editor: Editor, selectRange: BaseRange, element: Element) => {, selectRange); Transforms.insertNodes(editor, element); }; export const moveCursor = (editor: Editor, withSpace?: boolean) => { // without timeout it works properly when we select autocomplete with Tab or Space setTimeout(() => { Transforms.move(editor); if (withSpace) editor.insertText(' '); }, 1); }; interface PointUntilCharOptions { match: (char: string) => boolean; reverse?: boolean; } export const getPointUntilChar = ( editor: Editor, cursorPoint: BasePoint, options: PointUntilCharOptions ): BasePoint | undefined => { let targetPoint: BasePoint | undefined; let prevPoint: BasePoint | undefined; let char: string | undefined; const pointItr = Editor.positions(editor, { at: { anchor: Editor.start(editor, []), focus: Editor.point(editor, cursorPoint, { edge: 'start' }), }, unit: 'character', reverse: options.reverse, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const point of pointItr) { if (!Point.equals(point, cursorPoint) && prevPoint) { char = Editor.string(editor, { anchor: point, focus: prevPoint }); if (options.match(char)) break; targetPoint = point; } prevPoint = point; } return targetPoint; }; export const getPrevWorldRange = (editor: Editor): BaseRange | undefined => { const { selection } = editor; if (!selection || !Range.isCollapsed(selection)) return undefined; const [cursorPoint] = Range.edges(selection); const worldStartPoint = getPointUntilChar(editor, cursorPoint, { reverse: true, match: (char) => char === ' ', }); return worldStartPoint && Editor.range(editor, worldStartPoint, cursorPoint); };