Ajay Bura 2883b4c35b
Fix editor bugs (#1281)
* focus editor on reply click

* fix emoji and sticker img object-fit

* fix cursor not moving with autocomplete

* stop sanitizing sending plain text body

* improve autocomplete query parsing

* add escape to turn off active editor toolbar item
2023-06-13 23:17:18 +05:30

96 lines
3.4 KiB

import { Descendant, Text } from 'slate';
import { sanitizeText } from '../../utils/sanitize';
import { BlockType } from './Elements';
import { CustomElement, FormattedText } from './slate';
const textToCustomHtml = (node: FormattedText): string => {
let string = sanitizeText(node.text);
if (node.bold) string = `<strong>${string}</strong>`;
if (node.italic) string = `<i>${string}</i>`;
if (node.underline) string = `<u>${string}</u>`;
if (node.strikeThrough) string = `<s>${string}</s>`;
if (node.code) string = `<code>${string}</code>`;
if (node.spoiler) string = `<span data-mx-spoiler>${string}</span>`;
return string;
const elementToCustomHtml = (node: CustomElement, children: string): string => {
switch (node.type) {
case BlockType.Paragraph:
return `<p>${children}</p>`;
case BlockType.Heading:
return `<h${node.level}>${children}</h${node.level}>`;
case BlockType.CodeLine:
return `${children}\n`;
case BlockType.CodeBlock:
return `<pre><code>${children}</code></pre>`;
case BlockType.QuoteLine:
return `<p>${children}</p>`;
case BlockType.BlockQuote:
return `<blockquote>${children}</blockquote>`;
case BlockType.ListItem:
return `<li><p>${children}</p></li>`;
case BlockType.OrderedList:
return `<ol>${children}</ol>`;
case BlockType.UnorderedList:
return `<ul>${children}</ul>`;
case BlockType.Mention:
return `<a href="${}">${}</a>`;
case BlockType.Emoticon:
return node.key.startsWith('mxc://')
? `<img data-mx-emoticon src="${node.key}" alt="${node.shortcode}" title="${node.shortcode}" height="32">`
: node.key;
case BlockType.Link:
return `<a href="${node.href}">${node.children}</a>`;
return children;
export const toMatrixCustomHTML = (node: Descendant | Descendant[]): string => {
if (Array.isArray(node)) return => toMatrixCustomHTML(n)).join('');
if (Text.isText(node)) return textToCustomHtml(node);
const children = => toMatrixCustomHTML(n)).join('');
return elementToCustomHtml(node, children);
const elementToPlainText = (node: CustomElement, children: string): string => {
switch (node.type) {
case BlockType.Paragraph:
return `${children}\n`;
case BlockType.Heading:
return `${children}\n`;
case BlockType.CodeLine:
return `${children}\n`;
case BlockType.CodeBlock:
return `${children}\n`;
case BlockType.QuoteLine:
return `| ${children}\n`;
case BlockType.BlockQuote:
return `${children}\n`;
case BlockType.ListItem:
return `- ${children}\n`;
case BlockType.OrderedList:
return `${children}\n`;
case BlockType.UnorderedList:
return `${children}\n`;
case BlockType.Mention:
case BlockType.Emoticon:
return node.key.startsWith('mxc://') ? `:${node.shortcode}:` : node.key;
case BlockType.Link:
return `[${node.children}](${node.href})`;
return children;
export const toPlainText = (node: Descendant | Descendant[]): string => {
if (Array.isArray(node)) return => toPlainText(n)).join('');
if (Text.isText(node)) return node.text;
const children = => toPlainText(n)).join('');
return elementToPlainText(node, children);