Jakub Czekański fab6bd3881 disc: reworked track handling
getTrackBegin returns the first position of the track, whereas getTrackStart returns index1 of that track
That with other smaller bugfixes should play CDDA tracks from the beginning (it was 2 seconds into the track before).
Also, pregap wasn't handled properly.
2021-10-19 03:33:16 +02:00

56 lines
2.5 KiB

#include "cdrom.h"
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <imgui.h>
#include "disc/empty.h"
#include "disc/format/cue.h"
#include "system.h"
using namespace disc;
#define POSITION(x) ((useFrames) ? fmt::format("{}", (x).toLba()) : (x).toString())
namespace gui::debug {
void Cdrom::cdromWindow(System* sys) {
ImGui::Begin("CDROM", &cdromWindowOpen);
Disc* disc = sys->cdrom->disc.get();
if (auto noCd = dynamic_cast<Empty*>(disc)) {
ImGui::Text("No CD");
} else if (auto cue = dynamic_cast<format::Cue*>(disc)) {
ImGui::Text("%s", cue->file.c_str());
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(0, 0));
ImGui::Text("Track Pregap Pause Start End Length Offset Type File");
ImGuiListClipper clipper((int)cue->getTrackCount());
while (clipper.Step()) {
for (int i = clipper.DisplayStart; i < clipper.DisplayEnd; i++) {
auto track = cue->tracks[i];
auto line = fmt::format("{:>5} {:<8} {:<8} {:<8} {:<8} {:<8} {:<9} {:<5} {}",
i + 1, //
POSITION(track.pregap), //
POSITION(track.pause()), //
POSITION(cue->getTrackStart(i)), //
POSITION(cue->getTrackStart(i) + cue->getTrackLength(i) - disc::Position(0, 0, 1)), //
POSITION(cue->getTrackLength(i)), //
track.offset, //
track.type == TrackType::DATA ? "DATA" : "AUDIO", //
getFilenameExt(track.filename) //
ImGui::Checkbox("Use frames", &useFrames);
void Cdrom::displayWindows(System* sys) {
if (cdromWindowOpen) cdromWindow(sys);
} // namespace gui::debug