Dan Piponi 6cb90e4ee7 Minor
2017-01-01 11:42:45 -08:00

9 KiB


An Atari 2600 emulator. Work in progress...

It'll run Adventure if you have the rom.


  • It's written in Haskell.

  • Before doing anything else, you'll need to install the SDL libraries somewhere the Haskell package manager Stack can find them. I work on a Mac so I used MacPorts which you can install from here:

    Once MacPorts was installed I used

    port install libsdl2

    Getting SDL2 installed seems to be the main stumbling block.

  • If you don't have Stack, install it using the instructions here:

  • Now clone the project into a directory. In that directory use:

    stack build

  • Run it with a commmand like

    stack exec Stellarator-exe -- -f ADVNTURE.BIN

You'll need to obtain ADVNTURE.BIN from somewhere like


Adventure screenshot

Pitfall screenshot


Use cursor keys to simulate the joystick and the space bar to fire the trigger. Only player 1 for now.


C - Game Select
V - Reset

Don't press any other keys unless you want to quit.

Use mouse click to get info about graphics registers for the selected pixel.

Command line options

-f <filename>
       Load rom from file

-o <options file>
        Default is .stellarator-options in current directory.
        Allows setting of keys and window size.
        Fragile file format so copy original as closely as

-b unbanked|f8|f6|3f
       select rom bank switching style
       Currently Stellarator automatically picks:

       * unbanked for 2K or 4K roms
       * f8 for 8K roms
       * f6 for 16K roms

       So only use for this currently is to select
       3f for 8K ROMS such as Tigervision's
       Miner 2049er.


  • The emulation isn't perfect but it's getting there.
  • The frame rate is locked to whatever your display refresh rate is.
  • I've made no attempt to lock to NTSC's 60 Hz.
  • There is no audio yet..

Note that although 99% of the video functionality is in place, many games make use of precise timing of the video circuitry including delays as signals propagate through it. I only have only implemented delays on a small part of the hardware and that likely explains most of the quirks you see.

Some games don't function at all, even with the correct rom bank switching. For example the baddies don't seem to appear in Millipede.


Hitting escape while running the emulator drops you into the debugger. Use the c command to quit debugging and return to game playing.

I'll document the commands eventually but here's an example:


It single steps until the VCS is on row 160 of the screen. It then single steps through the entire row showing each instruction. Useful when you're trying to decode how an individual scanline is being rendered. The debug command history is kept in the file .stellarator

UI events to the main window are ignored while single stepping though I'll probably fix that eventually.



  1. The primary source of information was
  2. This was a great secondary source with subtle details:
  3. I've used Stella as my reference "hardware". I've had tiny peeks at Stella's source but I don't want to do that too much as it removes some of the fun :-) (

Playable Games

Lots of games work:

Game Result of testing
Adventure Seems to play fine.
Aquaventure seems to play fine.
Air Sea Battle Seems to play fine.
Asteroids Seems to play fine. Flicker is correct behaviour.
Battle Zone Seems to play fine but radar partly reflected and some mountain issues.
Centipede seems to play fine.
Chopper Command Seems to play fine.
Circus Seems to play fine. Too fast for me...
Combat Seems to play fine. Two player though...
Commando Raid Seems to play fine. Ugly "comb" effect is correct.
Cosmic Ark Seems to play fine but star rendering is replaced by ugly vertical line.
Defender: Seems to play fine.
Demon Attack Seems to play fine.
Donkey Kong Seems to play fine.
Dukes if Hazzard Seems to play fine.
Freeway Seems to play fine.
Frogger 2 Uses E8 bank switching. Not implemented.
Fun with Numbers Works. Pity the kids that learnt mathematics using this.
Galaxians Seems to play fine except for an extra column of aliens!
Ikari Warriors Seems to play fine
Indy 500 Steering doesn't seem to work. Maybe expects different controller.
Midnight Magic Seems to work fine.
Millipede No enemies seem to arrive.
Miner 2049er Use -b 3f. Seems to work fine.
Moonsweeper Seems to play fine.
Pacman Seems to work fine. Flickering is normal.
Phoenix Seems to work fine.
Pinball Seems to work fine.
Planet Patrol Seems to play fine apart from a bad pixel at top of screen
Pole Position Seems to play fine modulo a couple of misrendered pixels.
Q*Bert Seems to play fine
Quest for Quintana Roo Seems to play fine but hard to tell.
Raiders of Lost Ark Starts fine. Might need controllers I don't emulate yet.
River Patrol Use -b 3f. Seems to play fine.
River Raid Seems to play fine.
Sea Hawk Seems to play fine.
Space Canyon Has an illegal opcode. It's clearly there in disassembly :-(
Star Fox Plays fine (if you can call it "play"). Unsteady opening screen.
Star Master ?? Lack of aliens to shoot is in Stella too. Half crosshair missing.
Star Trek: SOS Seems to play fine.
Stargate Screen mostly blank?
Stargunner Seems to play fine.
Strategy X Seems to play fine apart from minor sprite misalignment.
SW: Empire Strikes Back Seems to play fine.
Tank City Seems to play fine apart from some misrendered score digits
Tank Brigade Seems to play fine.
Vanguard Seems to play fine
Xenohpobe Seems to play fine
Xevious Seems to play fine.
Yar's Revenge Seems to play fine.
Zaxxon Seems to play fine.