MrSn0wy 380845114d Dutch translation update + smoll English fixes
Updated the translations for Dutch and edited some of the English lines.
2024-03-11 17:13:36 +01:00

138 lines
8.9 KiB

fpPS4 Temmie's Launcher
This file is a database with all labels and strings for different
temp_LANGUAGE = {
// Get variable string
getVariable: function(name, list){
// Fix settings
if (Object.keys(this.selected).length === 0){
this.selected = this.english;
// Declare main var
var lPatch = [],
res = this.selected.variables[name];
// If variable is not found or an empty string, get English instead
if (res === void 0 || res === ''){
res = this.english.variables[name];
// If list is undefined, set patch list as a empty array
if (list !== void 0){
lPatch = list;
// Apply variables and return string
lPatch.forEach(function(fix, entry){
res = res.replace(`%VARIABLE_${entry}%`, fix);
return res;
// English (Default)
english: {
"lang": "English (Default)",
"variables": {
"labelEnableHack": "Enable",
"emuStatusRunning": "Running",
"logWindowTitle": "Running fpPS4",
"killEmuStatus": "Main process closed - close fpPS4 log window to go back",
"logCleared": "INFO - Previous log was cleared!",
"about": "fpPS4 Temmie\'s Launcher - Version: %VARIABLE_0%\n\nCreated by TheMitoSan [Previously known as TemmieHeartz]\n(https://twitter.com/themitosan)\n\nfpPS4 is created by red-prig\n(https://github.com/red-prig/fpPS4)\n\nPlugin memoryjs is created by Rob--\n(https://github.com/rob--/memoryjs)\n\nPlugin node-stream-zip is created by antelle\n(https://github.com/antelle/node-stream-zip)\n\nSVG icons were obtained from https://www.svgrepo.com/",
"mainLog": 'fpPS4 Temmie\'s Launcher - Version: %VARIABLE_0%\nRunning on nw.js version %VARIABLE_1% [%VARIABLE_2%]',
"settingsErrorCreatePath": "ERROR - Unable to create path!\n(%VARIABLE_0%)\n%VARIABLE_1%",
"settingsErrorfpPS4NotFound": "ERROR - Unable to locate main fpPS4 executable!\nMake sure to select it in Settings or insert it in \"Emu\" folder and click OK.",
"settingsConfirmRemoveAllGameSettings": "WARNING - This option will remove all saved settings from your game list.\nDo you want to continue?",
"settingsRemovedGameSettings": "INFO - ( %VARIABLE_0% ) Settings file was removed successfully!",
"settingsConfirmRemoveGameSettings": "WARNING - This action will delete all saved settings for %VARIABLE_0%\n\nDo you want to continue?",
"settingsRemoveGameSettingsError": 'ERROR - ( %VARIABLE_0% ) Unable to delete settings file!\nReason: %VARIABLE_1%',
"settingsRemoveGameSettings404": 'WARNING - ( %VARIABLE_0% ) Unable to find settings file for this app / game!',
"infoProcessComplete": "INFO - Process complete!\nCheck the log for more details",
"infoSettingsUpdated": "INFO - Settings file was updated successfully!",
"settingsLoadError": "ERROR - Unable to load settings file!\n %VARIABLE_0%",
"settingsSaveError": "ERROR - Unable to save settings file!\n %VARIABLE_0%",
"runEmuArgs": "\nINFO - Running fpPS4 with args: %VARIABLE_0%\nEmu location: %VARIABLE_1%",
"closeEmuStatus": "INFO - %VARIABLE_0% was closed, returning code %VARIABLE_1%",
"removedLibModules": "INFO - All previous imported modules using this launcher were removed since it can be harmful to your game dumps.",
"removeLibModule": "INFO - ( %VARIABLE_0% ) Removing module: %VARIABLE_1%",
"removeModuleError": "ERROR - Unable to remove modules!\nReason: %VARIABLE_0%",
"updateGameSettings": "INFO - ( %VARIABLE_0% ) Settings file was updated successfully!",
"updateGameSettingsError": "ERROR - Unable to update settings file for %VARIABLE_0% at %VARIABLE_1%!\nReason: %VARIABLE_2%",
"skipUpdateGameSettings": "INFO - ( %VARIABLE_0% ) Skip updating settings file since it has no changes!",
"errorSaveFile": "ERROR - Unable to save file!\nReason: %VARIABLE_0%",
"saveSucessfullPath": "INFO - Save successful!\nPath: %VARIABLE_0%",
"createdSettingsFile": "INFO - Settings file was created successfully for %VARIABLE_0%",
"errorCreateSettingsFile": "ERROR - Unable to create settings file for %VARIABLE_0% at %VARIABLE_1%!\nReason: %VARIABLE_2%",
"patchLoadedSucessfully": "INFO - Patch loaded successfully!\nName: %VARIABLE_0%\nType: %VARIABLE_1%",
"patchLoadErrorMismatch": "ERROR - This isn\'t a patch or it does not match for this app / game!\nPatch ID: %VARIABLE_0%\nSelected app / game: %VARIABLE_1%",
"patchLoadErrorParamSfo404": "ERROR - Unable to find PARAM.SFO for this patch!",
"gameListLoadWarnPlayGo": "WARNING - Unable to locate playgo-chunk.dat for %VARIABLE_0%!\nIf this isn\'t a homebrew, check if this app / game was dumped properly.",
"gameListLoadWarnParamSfo": "WARNING - Unable to locate PARAM.SFO for %VARIABLE_0%!\nIf this isn\'t a homebrew, check if this app / game was dumped properly.",
"gameListDoubleIdError": "WARNING - Unable to add %VARIABLE_0% to game list because another app / game with the same title ID exists! ( %VARIABLE_1% )",
"gameListNoGameFound": "INFO - No apps / games were detected on current path ( %VARIABLE_0% )",
"gameListSearch404": "Unable to find",
"checkDumpPlayGoOnApp": "INFO - ( %VARIABLE_0% ) playgo-chunk.dat was found inside sce_sys/app - a new copy was created in sce_sys.",
"gameListLoadSuccessful": "INFO - Game list was loaded successfully! ( %VARIABLE_0% entries found )",
"gameListVersion": "Version",
"selectGameLoadPatchErrorParamSfo": "ERROR - Unable to read PARAM.SFO from this patch!\n%VARIABLE_0%",
"path": "Path",
"gamelistGamePath404": "ERROR - Unable to find selected app / game path!\n%VARIABLE_0%",
"updateEmuFetchActionsError": "ERROR - Unable to fetch GitHub actions data!",
"updateEmuIsLatestVersion": "INFO - You are using the latest fpPS4 version available!\nCommit ID (SHA): %VARIABLE_0%",
"updateEmuShaAvailable": "INFO - A new update is available!\n\nLocal version: %VARIABLE_0%\nNew version: %VARIABLE_1%\n\nDo you want to update?",
"updateEmuShaUnavailable": "INFO - This Launcher detected that you didn\'t updated fpPS4 yet (or fpPS4 executable was not found!)\n\nYou can fix this by running fpPS4 updater process.\nDo you want to proceed?",
"updateEmuDownloadFailed": "ERROR - Unable to download fpPS4 update!\nResponse status: %VARIABLE_0% - OK: %VARIABLE_1%",
"updateEmuProcessComplete": "INFO - Update complete! - New fpPS4 version (Commit ID / SHA): %VARIABLE_0%",
"updateEmu-1-4": "Downloading fpPS4 update (<label class=\"LABEL_monospace\">%VARIABLE_0%</label>)",
"updateEmu-2-4": "Extracting update",
"updateEmu-3-4": "Removing leftover files",
"updateEmu-4-4": "Update complete!",
"settingsLogEmuSha": "INFO - fpPS4 version: %VARIABLE_0%",
"dumpStatus_OK": "Fine",
"dumpStatus_WARN": "Missing files",
"dumpStatus_HB": "Homebrew",
"updateEmuWorkflow404": "ERROR - (Updater) Unable to load workflow list from fpPS4 GitHub!",
"updater_noWorkflowListAvailable": "No workflow list available",
"Sdl2NotFound": "SDL2.dll is not found in the Emu folder, please install it to use SDL2.",
"errorListUnableLocateGamePath": "ERROR - Unable to locate \"%VARIABLE_0%\" settings path! In order to prevent issues, game list will be reloaded.\nPath: %VARIABLE_1%",
"updateEmuSettingsWorkflow404": "ERROR - (Updater) Unable to find (%VARIABLE_0%) on the fpPS4 workfow list! %VARIABLE_1% will be used as a fallback.",
"nonWindowsOsWarn": "WARN - You are running fpPS4 Temmie's Launcher on a non-windows operating system!\n\nIn order to run fpPS4, you will need Wine installed on your OS.\n\nBe aware that running fpPS4 through tools like Wine can result in more glitches and a degraded performance / experience.",
"cGameCompatStatus_BOOTS": "Boots",
"cGameCompatStatus_MENUS": "Menus",
"cGameCompatStatus_INGAME": "In-Game",
"cGameCompatStatus_UNKNOWN": "Unknown",
"cGameCompatStatus_NOTHING": "Nothing",
"cGameCompatStatus_PLAYABLE": "Playable",
"warnUnableFindGameCompatDb": "WARN - Unable to find the compatibility status for \"%VARIABLE_0%\" (%VARIABLE_1%) on the fpPS4 game database!",
"warnUserOffline": "WARN - You are offline! Some features (like the game compatibility status and the fpPS4 updater) will not be available until you are reconnected to the internet."
"title": {
"DIV_selectedGameStatus_dump": "Green: All files are present\nYellow: Some files are missing - check log for more details\nCyan: Executable is a .elf file",
"DIV_selectedGameStatus_compat": "Playable: You can play this title from start to end.\nIn-game: You can play parts / segments of this title, but you can't finish it.\nMenus: This title boots into the main menu, but you can't play the main game.\nBoots: This title starts loading the game, but fails at some point.\nNothing: This title doesn't do anything or there is no data about this title on the fpPS4 database.\nUnknown: fpPS4 Temmie's Launcher was unable to retreive information about this title."
// Selected lang
selected: {}