2018-10-10 22:39:55 +08:00

269 lines
8.6 KiB

#include <cmath>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include "Controller/Ee/Vpu/Vu/Interpreter/CVuInterpreter.hpp"
#include "Core.hpp"
#include "Resources/RResources.hpp"
#include "Utilities/Utilities.hpp"
// Miscellaneous VU instructions.
// Includes:-
// - random (R* instructions)
// - branching & jumps
// - GIF/VIF interaction
// - WAIT* instruciotns (synchronization between different VU execution units)
void CVuInterpreter::NOP(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
void CVuInterpreter::CLIP(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
// Left-shifts CLIP by 6 bits, compares the fields of FS with w field of FT,
// and sets the corresponding flags
SizedQwordRegister& reg_source_1 = unit->vf[inst.fs()];
SizedQwordRegister& reg_source_2 = unit->vf[inst.ft()];
VuUnitRegister_Clipping& clip = unit->clipping;
const f32 ft = std::abs(reg_source_2.read_float(VuVectorField::W));
clip.insert_field(VuUnitRegister_Clipping::POSX_0, reg_source_1.read_float(VuVectorField::X) > ft);
clip.insert_field(VuUnitRegister_Clipping::NEGX_0, reg_source_1.read_float(VuVectorField::X) < -ft);
clip.insert_field(VuUnitRegister_Clipping::POSY_0, reg_source_1.read_float(VuVectorField::Y) > ft);
clip.insert_field(VuUnitRegister_Clipping::NEGY_0, reg_source_1.read_float(VuVectorField::Y) < -ft);
clip.insert_field(VuUnitRegister_Clipping::POSZ_0, reg_source_1.read_float(VuVectorField::Z) > ft);
clip.insert_field(VuUnitRegister_Clipping::NEGZ_0, reg_source_1.read_float(VuVectorField::Z) < -ft);
void CVuInterpreter::RINIT(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedQwordRegister& reg_source = unit->vf[inst.fs()];
SizedWordRegister& reg_dest = unit->r;
// Writes a float consisting 23 bits of R as mantissa and 001111111 as exp+sign.
constexpr uword append = 0b001111111 << 23;
const uword fsf = (reg_source.read_uword(inst.fsf()) & 0x7FFFFF) | append;
void CVuInterpreter::RGET(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedWordRegister& reg_source = unit->r;
SizedQwordRegister& reg_dest = unit->vf[inst.ft()];
for (auto field : VuVectorField::VECTOR_FIELDS)
if (inst.test_dest_field(field))
reg_dest.write_uword(field, reg_source.read_uword());
void CVuInterpreter::RNEXT(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedWordRegister& reg_R = unit->r;
SizedQwordRegister& reg_dest = unit->vf[inst.ft()];
// A Galois form M-series LFSR adapted from PCSX2 (advance_r() in pcsx2/vu.cpp)
const int x = (reg_R.read_uword() >> 4) & 1;
const int y = (reg_R.read_uword() >> 22) & 1;
reg_R.write_uword(((reg_R.read_uword() << 1) ^ (x ^ y)) & 0x7FFFFF);
// Append the exp+sign to R
reg_R.write_uword(reg_R.read_uword() | 0b001111111 << 23);
void CVuInterpreter::RXOR(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedWordRegister& reg_source_1 = unit->r;
SizedQwordRegister& reg_source_2 = unit->vf[inst.ft()];
SizedWordRegister& reg_dest = unit->r;
const uword a = reg_source_1.read_uword();
const uword b = reg_source_2.read_uword(inst.fsf()) & 0x7FFFFF;
const uword result = a ^ b;
void CVuInterpreter::WAITQ(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
// WAITQ is handled as a special case in the interpreter
#if defined(BUILD_DEBUG)
BOOST_LOG(Core::get_logger()) << boost::format("(%s, %d) WAITQ is called!") % __FILENAME__ % __LINE__;
void CVuInterpreter::IBEQ(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedHwordRegister& reg_source_1 = unit->vi[inst.is()];
SizedHwordRegister& reg_source_2 = unit->vi[inst.it()];
if (reg_source_1.read_uhword() == reg_source_2.read_uhword())
shword offset_by = extend_integer<shword, uhword, 11>(inst.imm11());
unit->bdelay.set_branch_itype(unit->pc, offset_by);
void CVuInterpreter::IBGEZ(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedHwordRegister& reg_source_1 = unit->vi[inst.is()];
if (reg_source_1.read_uhword() >= 0)
shword offset_by = extend_integer<shword, uhword, 11>(inst.imm11());
unit->bdelay.set_branch_itype(unit->pc, offset_by);
void CVuInterpreter::IBGTZ(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedHwordRegister& reg_source_1 = unit->vi[inst.is()];
if (reg_source_1.read_uhword() > 0)
shword offset_by = extend_integer<shword, uhword, 11>(inst.imm11());
unit->bdelay.set_branch_itype(unit->pc, offset_by);
void CVuInterpreter::IBLEZ(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedHwordRegister& reg_source_1 = unit->vi[inst.is()];
if (reg_source_1.read_uhword() <= 0)
shword offset_by = extend_integer<shword, uhword, 11>(inst.imm11());
unit->bdelay.set_branch_itype(unit->pc, offset_by);
void CVuInterpreter::IBLTZ(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedHwordRegister& reg_source_1 = unit->vi[inst.is()];
if (reg_source_1.read_uhword() < 0)
shword offset_by = extend_integer<shword, uhword, 11>(inst.imm11());
unit->bdelay.set_branch_itype(unit->pc, offset_by);
void CVuInterpreter::IBNE(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedHwordRegister& reg_source_1 = unit->vi[inst.is()];
SizedHwordRegister& reg_source_2 = unit->vi[inst.it()];
if (reg_source_1.read_uhword() != reg_source_2.read_uhword())
shword offset_by = extend_integer<shword, uhword, 11>(inst.imm11());
unit->bdelay.set_branch_itype(unit->pc, offset_by);
void CVuInterpreter::B(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
shword offset_by = extend_integer<shword, uhword, 11>(inst.imm11());
unit->bdelay.set_branch_itype(unit->pc, offset_by);
void CVuInterpreter::BAL(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedHwordRegister& reg_dest = unit->vi[inst.it()];
if (unit->bdelay.is_branch_pending())
// If there is a pending branch, the linked register becomes the
// second instruction of said branch
reg_dest.write_uhword((unit->bdelay.get_branch_pc() + 8) / 8);
// Otherwise, the linked register is the instruction next to the
// branch delay slot
reg_dest.write_uhword((unit->pc.read_uword() + 2 * 8) / 8);
shword offset_by = extend_integer<shword, uhword, 11>(inst.imm11());
unit->bdelay.set_branch_itype(unit->pc, offset_by);
void CVuInterpreter::JR(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedHwordRegister& reg_source_1 = unit->vi[inst.is()];
unit->bdelay.set_branch_jtype(unit->pc, reg_source_1.read_uhword());
void CVuInterpreter::JALR(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedHwordRegister& reg_source_1 = unit->vi[inst.is()];
SizedHwordRegister& reg_dest = unit->vi[inst.it()];
if (unit->bdelay.is_branch_pending())
// If there is a pending branch, the linked register becomes the
// second instruction of said branch
reg_dest.write_uhword((unit->bdelay.get_branch_pc() + 8) / 8);
// Otherwise, the linked register is the instruction next to the
// branch delay slot
reg_dest.write_uhword((unit->pc.read_uword() + 2 * 8) / 8);
unit->bdelay.set_branch_jtype(unit->pc, reg_source_1.read_uhword());
void CVuInterpreter::WAITP(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
// WAITP is handled as a special case in the interpreter
#if defined(BUILD_DEBUG)
BOOST_LOG(Core::get_logger()) << boost::format("(%s, %d) WAITP is called!") % __FILENAME__ % __LINE__;
void CVuInterpreter::XGKICK(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
// TODO: Wait for GIF to be implemented
#if defined(BUILD_DEBUG)
BOOST_LOG(Core::get_logger()) << boost::format("(%s, %d) XGKICK: Not implemented. (GIF not implemented)") % __FILENAME__ % __LINE__;
throw std::runtime_error("XGKICK: Not implemented. (GIF not implemented)");
void CVuInterpreter::XTOP(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedHwordRegister& reg_dest = unit->vi[inst.it()];
const RResources& r = core->get_resources();
VifUnit_Base* vif = r.ee.vpu.vif.units[unit->core_id];
void CVuInterpreter::XITOP(VuUnit_Base* unit, const VuInstruction inst)
SizedHwordRegister& reg_dest = unit->vi[inst.it()];
const RResources& r = core->get_resources();
VifUnit_Base* vif = r.ee.vpu.vif.units[unit->core_id];