
195 lines
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Refactor state & Custom editor (#1190) * Fix eslint * Enable ts strict mode * install folds, jotai & immer * Enable immer map/set * change cross-signing alert anim to 30 iteration * Add function to access matrix client * Add new types * Add disposable util * Add room utils * Add mDirect list atom * Add invite list atom * add room list atom * add utils for jotai atoms * Add room id to parents atom * Add mute list atom * Add room to unread atom * Use hook to bind atoms with sdk * Add settings atom * Add settings hook * Extract set settings hook * Add Sidebar components * WIP * Add bind atoms hook * Fix init muted room list atom * add navigation atoms * Add custom editor * Fix hotkeys * Update folds * Add editor output function * Add matrix client context * Add tooltip to editor toolbar items * WIP - Add editor to room input * Refocus editor on toolbar item click * Add Mentions - WIP * update folds * update mention focus outline * rename emoji element type * Add auto complete menu * add autocomplete query functions * add index file for editor * fix bug in getPrevWord function * Show room mention autocomplete * Add async search function * add use async search hook * use async search in room mention autocomplete * remove folds prefer font for now * allow number array in async search * reset search with empty query * Autocomplete unknown room mention * Autocomplete first room mention on tab * fix roomAliasFromQueryText * change mention color to primary * add isAlive hook * add getMxIdLocalPart to mx utils * fix getRoomAvatarUrl size * fix types * add room members hook * fix bug in room mention * add user mention autocomplete * Fix async search giving prev result after no match * update folds * add twemoji font * add use state provider hook * add prevent scroll with arrow key util * add ts to custom-emoji and emoji files * add types * add hook for emoji group labels * add hook for emoji group icons * add emoji board with basic emoji * add emojiboard in room input * select multiple emoji with shift press * display custom emoji in emojiboard * Add emoji preview * focus element on hover * update folds * position emojiboard properly * convert recent-emoji.js to ts * add use recent emoji hook * add io.element.recent_emoji to account data evt * Render recent emoji in emoji board * show custom emoji from parent spaces * show room emoji * improve emoji sidebar * update folds * fix pack avatar and name fallback in emoji board * add stickers to emoji board * fix bug in emoji preview * Add sticker icon in room input * add debounce hook * add search in emoji board * Optimize emoji board * fix emoji board sidebar divider * sync emojiboard sidebar with scroll & update ui * Add use throttle hook * support custom emoji in editor * remove duplicate emoji selection function * fix emoji and mention spacing * add emoticon autocomplete in editor * fix string * makes emoji size relative to font size in editor * add option to render link element * add spoiler in editor * fix sticker in emoji board search using wrong type * render custom placeholder * update hotkey for block quote and block code * add terminate search function in async search * add getImageInfo to matrix utils * send stickers * add resize observer hook * move emoji board component hooks in hooks dir * prevent editor expand hides room timeline * send typing notifications * improve emoji style and performance * fix imports * add on paste param to editor * add selectFile utils * add file picker hook * add file paste handler hook * add file drop handler * update folds * Add file upload card * add bytes to size util * add blurHash util * add await to js lib * add browser-encrypt-attachment types * add list atom * convert mimetype file to ts * add matrix types * add matrix file util * add file related dom utils * add common utils * add upload atom * add room input draft atom * add upload card renderer component * add upload board component * add support for file upload in editor * send files with message / enter * fix circular deps * store editor toolbar state in local store * move msg content util to separate file * store msg draft on room switch * fix following member not updating on msg sent * add theme for folds component * fix system default theme * Add reply support in editor * prevent initMatrix to init multiple time * add state event hooks * add async callback hook * Show tombstone info for tombstone room * fix room tombstone component border * add power level hook * Add room input placeholder component * Show input placeholder for muted member
2023-06-12 07:15:23 -04:00
import { BasePoint, BaseRange, Editor, Element, Point, Range, Transforms } from 'slate';
import { BlockType, MarkType } from './Elements';
import { EmoticonElement, FormattedText, HeadingLevel, LinkElement, MentionElement } from './slate';
export const isMarkActive = (editor: Editor, format: MarkType) => {
const marks = Editor.marks(editor);
return marks ? marks[format] === true : false;
export const toggleMark = (editor: Editor, format: MarkType) => {
const isActive = isMarkActive(editor, format);
if (isActive) {
Editor.removeMark(editor, format);
} else {
Editor.addMark(editor, format, true);
export const isBlockActive = (editor: Editor, format: BlockType) => {
const [match] = Editor.nodes(editor, {
match: (node) => Element.isElement(node) && node.type === format,
return !!match;
type BlockOption = { level: HeadingLevel };
const NESTED_BLOCK = [
export const toggleBlock = (editor: Editor, format: BlockType, option?: BlockOption) => {
const isActive = isBlockActive(editor, format);
Transforms.unwrapNodes(editor, {
match: (node) => Element.isElement(node) && NESTED_BLOCK.includes(node.type),
split: true,
if (isActive) {
Transforms.setNodes(editor, {
type: BlockType.Paragraph,
if (format === BlockType.OrderedList || format === BlockType.UnorderedList) {
Transforms.setNodes(editor, {
type: BlockType.ListItem,
const block = {
type: format,
children: [],
Transforms.wrapNodes(editor, block);
if (format === BlockType.CodeBlock) {
Transforms.setNodes(editor, {
type: BlockType.CodeLine,
const block = {
type: format,
children: [],
Transforms.wrapNodes(editor, block);
if (format === BlockType.BlockQuote) {
Transforms.setNodes(editor, {
type: BlockType.QuoteLine,
const block = {
type: format,
children: [],
Transforms.wrapNodes(editor, block);
if (format === BlockType.Heading) {
Transforms.setNodes(editor, {
type: format,
level: option?.level ?? 1,
Transforms.setNodes(editor, {
type: format,
export const resetEditor = (editor: Editor) => {
Transforms.delete(editor, {
at: {
anchor: Editor.start(editor, []),
focus: Editor.end(editor, []),
toggleBlock(editor, BlockType.Paragraph);
export const createMentionElement = (
id: string,
name: string,
highlight: boolean
): MentionElement => ({
type: BlockType.Mention,
children: [{ text: '' }],
export const createEmoticonElement = (key: string, shortcode: string): EmoticonElement => ({
type: BlockType.Emoticon,
children: [{ text: '' }],
export const createLinkElement = (
href: string,
children: string | FormattedText[]
): LinkElement => ({
type: BlockType.Link,
children: typeof children === 'string' ? [{ text: children }] : children,
export const replaceWithElement = (editor: Editor, selectRange: BaseRange, element: Element) => {, selectRange);
Transforms.insertNodes(editor, element);
export const moveCursor = (editor: Editor, withSpace?: boolean) => {
// without timeout it works properly when we select autocomplete with Tab or Space
setTimeout(() => {
if (withSpace) editor.insertText(' ');
}, 1);
interface PointUntilCharOptions {
match: (char: string) => boolean;
reverse?: boolean;
export const getPointUntilChar = (
editor: Editor,
cursorPoint: BasePoint,
options: PointUntilCharOptions
): BasePoint | undefined => {
let targetPoint: BasePoint | undefined;
let prevPoint: BasePoint | undefined;
let char: string | undefined;
const pointItr = Editor.positions(editor, {
at: {
anchor: Editor.start(editor, []),
focus: Editor.point(editor, cursorPoint, { edge: 'start' }),
unit: 'character',
reverse: options.reverse,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
for (const point of pointItr) {
if (!Point.equals(point, cursorPoint) && prevPoint) {
char = Editor.string(editor, { anchor: point, focus: prevPoint });
if (options.match(char)) break;
targetPoint = point;
prevPoint = point;
return targetPoint;
export const getPrevWorldRange = (editor: Editor): BaseRange | undefined => {
const { selection } = editor;
if (!selection || !Range.isCollapsed(selection)) return undefined;
const [cursorPoint] = Range.edges(selection);
const worldStartPoint = getPointUntilChar(editor, cursorPoint, {
reverse: true,
match: (char) => char === ' ',
return worldStartPoint && Editor.range(editor, worldStartPoint, cursorPoint);