2019-09-03 20:53:27 +02:00

823 lines
21 KiB

#include "instructions.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include "system.h"
using namespace mips;
namespace instructions {
// clang-format off
std::array<PrimaryInstruction, 64> OpcodeTable = {{
{0, special},
{1, branch},
{2, op_j},
{3, op_jal},
{4, op_beq},
{5, op_bne},
{6, op_blez},
{7, op_bgtz},
{8, op_addi},
{9, op_addiu},
{10, op_slti},
{11, op_sltiu},
{12, op_andi},
{13, op_ori},
{14, op_xori},
{15, op_lui},
{16, op_cop0},
{17, dummy},
{18, op_cop2},
{19, dummy},
{20, invalid},
{21, invalid},
{22, invalid},
{23, invalid},
{24, invalid},
{25, invalid},
{26, invalid},
{27, invalid},
{28, invalid},
{29, invalid},
{30, invalid},
{31, invalid},
{32, op_lb},
{33, op_lh},
{34, op_lwl},
{35, op_lw},
{36, op_lbu},
{37, op_lhu},
{38, op_lwr},
{39, invalid},
{40, op_sb},
{41, op_sh},
{42, op_swl},
{43, op_sw},
{44, invalid},
{45, invalid},
{46, op_swr},
{47, invalid},
{48, dummy},
{49, dummy},
{50, op_lwc2},
{51, dummy},
{52, invalid},
{53, invalid},
{54, invalid},
{55, invalid},
{56, dummy},
{57, dummy},
{58, op_swc2},
{59, dummy},
{60, invalid},
{61, invalid},
{62, invalid},
{63, op_breakpoint}
{63, invalid}
// opcodes encoded with "function" field, when opcode == 0
std::array<PrimaryInstruction, 64> SpecialTable = {{
{0, op_sll},
{1, invalid},
{2, op_srl},
{3, op_sra},
{4, op_sllv},
{5, invalid},
{6, op_srlv},
{7, op_srav},
{8, op_jr},
{9, op_jalr},
{10, invalid},
{11, invalid},
{12, op_syscall},
{13, op_break},
{14, invalid},
{15, invalid},
{16, op_mfhi},
{17, op_mthi},
{18, op_mflo},
{19, op_mtlo},
{20, invalid},
{21, invalid},
{22, invalid},
{23, invalid},
{24, op_mult},
{25, op_multu},
{26, op_div},
{27, op_divu},
{28, invalid},
{29, invalid},
{30, invalid},
{31, invalid},
{32, op_add},
{33, op_addu},
{34, op_sub},
{35, op_subu},
{36, op_and},
{37, op_or},
{38, op_xor},
{39, op_nor},
{40, invalid},
{41, invalid},
{42, op_slt},
{43, op_sltu},
{44, invalid},
{45, invalid},
{46, invalid},
{47, invalid},
{48, invalid},
{49, invalid},
{50, invalid},
{51, invalid},
{52, invalid},
{53, invalid},
{54, invalid},
{55, invalid},
{56, invalid},
{57, invalid},
{58, invalid},
{59, invalid},
{60, invalid},
{61, invalid},
{62, invalid},
{63, invalid},
// clang-format on
void exception(CPU *cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception cause) {
using Exception = COP0::CAUSE::Exception;
// Hardware quirk:
// If COP2 opcode is executed when interrupt occures
// COP0 set EPC to the same opcode causing it to execute twice
// HACK: Delay interrupts if current opcode is GTE command
if (cause == Exception::interrupt) {
Opcode i(cpu->sys->readMemory32(cpu->exceptionPC));
if (i.op == 18) { // COP2 opcode
cpu->cop0.cause.exception = cause;
if (cause != Exception::busErrorInstruction) {
cpu->cop0.cause.coprocessorNumber = cpu->_opcode.op & 3;
if (cause == Exception::interrupt) {
cpu->cop0.epc = cpu->PC;
} else {
cpu->cop0.epc = cpu->exceptionPC;
if (cpu->exceptionIsInBranchDelay) {
cpu->cop0.epc -= 4;
cpu->cop0.cause.branchDelay = true;
if (cpu->exceptionIsBranchTaken) {
cpu->cop0.cause.branchTaken = true;
cpu->cop0.tar = cpu->PC;
uint32_t handlerAddress = cpu->cop0.status.getHandlerAddress();
if (cause == Exception::breakpoint) {
handlerAddress -= 0x40;
void dummy(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
void invalid(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
// printf("Invalid opcode at 0x%08x: 0x%08x\n", cpu->PC, i.opcode);
// cpu->sys->state = System::State::halted;
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::reservedInstruction);
// TODO: cpu->sys kinda sucks
void notImplemented(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
printf("Opcode not implemented at 0x%08x: 0x%08x\n", cpu->PC, i.opcode);
cpu->sys->state = System::State::halted;
// TODO: cpu->sys kinda sucks
void special(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
const auto &instruction = SpecialTable[i.fun];
instruction.instruction(cpu, i);
// Shift Word Left Logical
// SLL rd, rt, a
void op_sll(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->reg[i.rt] << i.sh); }
// Shift Word Right Logical
// SRL rd, rt, a
void op_srl(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->reg[i.rt] >> i.sh); }
// Shift Word Right Arithmetic
// SRA rd, rt, a
void op_sra(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, ((int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rt]) >> i.sh); }
// Shift Word Left Logical Variable
// SLLV rd, rt, rs
void op_sllv(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->reg[i.rt] << (cpu->reg[i.rs] & 0x1f)); }
// Shift Word Right Logical Variable
// SRLV rd, rt, a
void op_srlv(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->reg[i.rt] >> (cpu->reg[i.rs] & 0x1f)); }
// Shift Word Right Arithmetic Variable
// SRAV rd, rt, rs
void op_srav(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, ((int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rt]) >> (cpu->reg[i.rs] & 0x1f)); }
// Jump Register
// JR rs
void op_jr(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs];
cpu->inBranchDelay = true;
if (unlikely(addr & 3)) {
cpu->cop0.bada = addr;
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::addressErrorLoad);
// Jump Register
void op_jalr(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs];
cpu->inBranchDelay = true;
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->nextPC);
if (unlikely(addr & 3)) {
cpu->cop0.bada = addr;
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::addressErrorLoad);
// Syscall
void op_syscall(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
if (cpu->sys->biosLog) {
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::syscall);
// Break
void op_break(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::breakpoint);
// Move From Hi
// MFHI rd
void op_mfhi(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->hi); }
// Move To Hi
// MTHI rd
void op_mthi(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->hi = cpu->reg[i.rs]; }
// Move From Lo
// MFLO rd
void op_mflo(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->lo); }
// Move To Lo
// MTLO rd
void op_mtlo(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->lo = cpu->reg[i.rs]; }
// Multiply
// mult rs, rt
void op_mult(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint64_t temp = (int64_t)(int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rs] * (int64_t)(int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rt];
cpu->lo = temp & 0xffffffff;
cpu->hi = temp >> 32;
// Multiply Unsigned
// multu rs, rt
void op_multu(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint64_t temp = (uint64_t)cpu->reg[i.rs] * (uint64_t)cpu->reg[i.rt];
cpu->lo = temp & 0xffffffff;
cpu->hi = temp >> 32;
// Divide
// div rs, rt
void op_div(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
int32_t rs = (int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rs];
int32_t rt = (int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rt];
if (rt == 0) {
cpu->lo = (rs < 0) ? 0x00000001 : 0xffffffff;
cpu->hi = rs;
} else if ((uint32_t)rs == 0x80000000 && (uint32_t)rt == 0xffffffff) {
cpu->lo = 0x80000000;
cpu->hi = 0x00000000;
} else {
cpu->lo = rs / rt;
cpu->hi = rs % rt;
// Divide Unsigned Word
// divu rs, rt
void op_divu(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t rs = cpu->reg[i.rs];
uint32_t rt = cpu->reg[i.rt];
if (rt == 0) {
cpu->lo = 0xffffffff;
cpu->hi = rs;
} else {
cpu->lo = rs / rt;
cpu->hi = rs % rt;
// add rd, rs, rt
void op_add(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t a = cpu->reg[i.rs];
uint32_t b = cpu->reg[i.rt];
uint32_t result = a + b;
if (unlikely(!((a ^ b) & 0x80000000) && ((result ^ a) & 0x80000000))) {
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::arithmeticOverflow);
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, result);
// Add unsigned
// addu rd, rs, rt
void op_addu(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->reg[i.rs] + cpu->reg[i.rt]); }
// Subtract
// sub rd, rs, rt
void op_sub(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t a = cpu->reg[i.rs];
uint32_t b = cpu->reg[i.rt];
uint32_t result = a - b;
if (unlikely(((a ^ b) & 0x80000000) && ((result ^ a) & 0x80000000))) {
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::arithmeticOverflow);
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, result);
// Subtract unsigned
// subu rd, rs, rt
void op_subu(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->reg[i.rs] - cpu->reg[i.rt]); }
// And
// and rd, rs, rt
void op_and(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->reg[i.rs] & cpu->reg[i.rt]); }
// Or
// OR rd, rs, rt
void op_or(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->reg[i.rs] | cpu->reg[i.rt]); }
// Xor
// XOR rd, rs, rt
void op_xor(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, cpu->reg[i.rs] ^ cpu->reg[i.rt]); }
// Nor
// NOR rd, rs, rt
void op_nor(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, ~(cpu->reg[i.rs] | cpu->reg[i.rt])); }
// Set On Less Than Signed
// SLT rd, rs, rt
void op_slt(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
if ((int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rs] < (int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rt])
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, 1);
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, 0);
// Set On Less Than Unsigned
// SLTU rd, rs, rt
void op_sltu(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
if (cpu->reg[i.rs] < cpu->reg[i.rt])
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, 1);
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rd, 0);
* These 4 branch instructions are encoded in weird way.
* Bit0 decides if register comparison should be
* 0: less then zero
* 1: greater than or equal to zero
* When bits4:1 are equal to 0x10 (and only then!) then return address is saved.
void branch(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
bool greaterAndEqual = i.rt & 0x01;
bool link = (i.rt & 0x1e) == 0x10;
bool condition;
if (!greaterAndEqual) {
// Branch On Less Than Zero (And Link)
// BLTZ rs, offset / BLTZAL rs, offset
condition = (int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rs] < 0;
} else {
// Branch On Greater Than Or Equal To Zero (And Link)
// BGEZ rs, offset / BGEZAL rs, offset
condition = (int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rs] >= 0;
if (link) cpu->reg[31] = cpu->nextPC;
cpu->inBranchDelay = true;
if (condition) {
cpu->jump((int32_t)(cpu->PC) + (i.offset * 4));
// Jump
// J target
void op_j(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
cpu->inBranchDelay = true;
cpu->jump((cpu->nextPC & 0xf0000000) | (i.target * 4));
// Jump And Link
// JAL target
void op_jal(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
cpu->inBranchDelay = true;
cpu->reg[31] = cpu->nextPC;
cpu->jump((cpu->nextPC & 0xf0000000) | (i.target * 4));
// Branch On Equal
// BEQ rs, rt, offset
void op_beq(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
cpu->inBranchDelay = true;
if (cpu->reg[i.rt] == cpu->reg[i.rs]) {
cpu->jump((int32_t)(cpu->PC) + (i.offset * 4));
// Branch On Greater Than Zero
// BGTZ rs, offset
void op_bgtz(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
cpu->inBranchDelay = true;
if ((int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rs] > 0) {
cpu->jump((int32_t)(cpu->PC) + (i.offset * 4));
// Branch On Less Than Or Equal To Zero
// BLEZ rs, offset
void op_blez(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
cpu->inBranchDelay = true;
if ((int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rs] <= 0) {
cpu->jump((int32_t)(cpu->PC) + (i.offset * 4));
// Branch On Not Equal
// BNE rs, offset
void op_bne(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
cpu->inBranchDelay = true;
if (cpu->reg[i.rt] != cpu->reg[i.rs]) {
cpu->jump((int32_t)(cpu->PC) + (i.offset * 4));
// Add Immediate Word
// ADDI rt, rs, imm
void op_addi(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t a = cpu->reg[i.rs];
uint32_t b = i.offset;
uint32_t result = a + b;
if (unlikely(!((a ^ b) & 0x80000000) && ((result ^ a) & 0x80000000))) {
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::arithmeticOverflow);
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rt, result);
// Add Immediate Unsigned Word
// ADDIU rt, rs, imm
void op_addiu(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rt, cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset); }
// Set On Less Than Immediate
// SLTI rd, rs, rt
void op_slti(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
if ((int32_t)cpu->reg[i.rs] < (int32_t)i.offset)
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rt, 1);
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rt, 0);
// Set On Less Than Immediate Unsigned
// SLTIU rd, rs, rt
void op_sltiu(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
if (cpu->reg[i.rs] < (uint32_t)i.offset)
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rt, 1);
cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rt, 0);
// And Immediate
// ANDI rt, rs, imm
void op_andi(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rt, cpu->reg[i.rs] & i.imm); }
// Or Immediete
// ORI rt, rs, imm
void op_ori(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rt, cpu->reg[i.rs] | i.imm); }
// Xor Immediate
// XORI rt, rs, imm
void op_xori(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rt, cpu->reg[i.rs] ^ i.imm); }
// Load Upper Immediate
// LUI rt, imm
void op_lui(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) { cpu->loadAndInvalidate(i.rt, i.imm << 16); }
// Coprocessor zero
void op_cop0(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
switch (i.rs) {
case 0: {
// Move from co-processor zero (to cpu reg)
// MFC0 rt, cop0.rd
auto [val, throwException] = cpu->cop0.read(i.rd);
if (throwException) {
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::reservedInstruction);
cpu->loadDelaySlot(i.rt, val);
case 4:
// Move to co-processor zero (from cpu reg)
// MTC0 rt, cop0.rd
cpu->cop0.write(i.rd, cpu->reg[i.rt]);
case 16:
// Restore from exception
// RFE
default: exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::reservedInstruction); break;
// Coprocessor two
void op_cop2(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
gte::Command command(i.opcode);
if (i.opcode & (1 << 25)) {
cpu->gte.log.push_back({GTE::GTE_ENTRY::MODE::func, command.cmd, 0});
if (!cpu->gte.command(command)) {
// printf("Unhandled gte command 0x%x\n", command.cmd);
if (i.rs == 0x00) {
// Move data from co-processor two
// MFC2 rt, cop2.<nn>
cpu->loadDelaySlot(i.rt, cpu->gte.read(i.rd));
} else if (i.rs == 0x02) {
// Move control from co-processor two
// CFC2 rt, cop2.<nn + 32>
cpu->loadDelaySlot(i.rt, cpu->gte.read(i.rd + 32));
} else if (i.rs == 0x04) {
// Move data to co-processor two
// MTC2 rt, cop2.<nn>
cpu->gte.write(i.rd, cpu->reg[i.rt]);
} else if (i.rs == 0x06) {
// Move control to co-processor two
// CTC2 rt, cop2.<nn + 32>
cpu->gte.write(i.rd + 32, cpu->reg[i.rt]);
} else {
invalid(cpu, i);
// Load Byte
// LB rt, offset(base)
void op_lb(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
cpu->loadDelaySlot(i.rt, ((int32_t)(cpu->sys->readMemory8(addr) << 24)) >> 24);
// Load Halfword
// LH rt, offset(base)
void op_lh(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
if (unlikely(addr & 1)) {
cpu->cop0.bada = addr;
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::addressErrorLoad);
cpu->loadDelaySlot(i.rt, (int32_t)(int16_t)cpu->sys->readMemory16(addr));
// Load Word Left
// LWL rt, offset(base)
void op_lwl(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
uint32_t mem = cpu->sys->readMemory32(addr & 0xfffffffc);
uint32_t reg;
if (cpu->slots[0].reg == i.rt) {
reg = cpu->slots[0].data;
} else {
reg = cpu->reg[i.rt];
uint32_t result = 0;
switch (addr % 4) {
case 0: result = (reg & 0x00ffffff) | (mem << 24); break;
case 1: result = (reg & 0x0000ffff) | (mem << 16); break;
case 2: result = (reg & 0x000000ff) | (mem << 8); break;
case 3: result = (reg & 0x00000000) | (mem); break;
cpu->loadDelaySlot(i.rt, result);
// Load Word
// LW rt, offset(base)
void op_lw(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
if (unlikely(addr & 3)) {
cpu->cop0.bada = addr;
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::addressErrorLoad);
cpu->loadDelaySlot(i.rt, cpu->sys->readMemory32(addr));
// Load Byte Unsigned
// LBU rt, offset(base)
void op_lbu(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
cpu->loadDelaySlot(i.rt, cpu->sys->readMemory8(addr));
// Load Halfword Unsigned
// LHU rt, offset(base)
void op_lhu(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
if (unlikely(addr & 1)) {
cpu->cop0.bada = addr;
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::addressErrorLoad);
cpu->loadDelaySlot(i.rt, cpu->sys->readMemory16(addr));
// Load Word Right
// LWR rt, offset(base)
void op_lwr(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
uint32_t mem = cpu->sys->readMemory32(addr & 0xfffffffc);
uint32_t reg;
if (cpu->slots[0].reg == i.rt) {
reg = cpu->slots[0].data;
} else {
reg = cpu->reg[i.rt];
uint32_t result = 0;
switch (addr % 4) {
case 0: result = (reg & 0x00000000) | (mem); break;
case 1: result = (reg & 0xff000000) | (mem >> 8); break;
case 2: result = (reg & 0xffff0000) | (mem >> 16); break;
case 3: result = (reg & 0xffffff00) | (mem >> 24); break;
cpu->loadDelaySlot(i.rt, result);
// Store Byte
// SB rt, offset(base)
void op_sb(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
cpu->sys->writeMemory8(addr, cpu->reg[i.rt]);
// Store Halfword
// SH rt, offset(base)
void op_sh(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
if (unlikely(addr & 1)) {
cpu->cop0.bada = addr;
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::addressErrorStore);
cpu->sys->writeMemory16(addr, cpu->reg[i.rt]);
// Store Word Left
// SWL rt, offset(base)
void op_swl(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
uint32_t mem = cpu->sys->readMemory32(addr & 0xfffffffc);
uint32_t reg = cpu->reg[i.rt];
uint32_t result = 0;
switch (addr % 4) {
case 0: result = (mem & 0xffffff00) | (reg >> 24); break;
case 1: result = (mem & 0xffff0000) | (reg >> 16); break;
case 2: result = (mem & 0xff000000) | (reg >> 8); break;
case 3: result = (mem & 0x00000000) | (reg); break;
cpu->sys->writeMemory32(addr & 0xfffffffc, result);
// Store Word
// SW rt, offset(base)
void op_sw(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
if (unlikely(addr & 3)) {
cpu->cop0.bada = addr;
exception(cpu, COP0::CAUSE::Exception::addressErrorStore);
cpu->sys->writeMemory32(addr, cpu->reg[i.rt]);
// Store Word Right
// SWR rt, offset(base)
void op_swr(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
uint32_t mem = cpu->sys->readMemory32(addr & 0xfffffffc);
uint32_t reg = cpu->reg[i.rt];
uint32_t result = 0;
switch (addr % 4) {
case 0: result = (reg) | (mem & 0x00000000); break;
case 1: result = (reg << 8) | (mem & 0x000000ff); break;
case 2: result = (reg << 16) | (mem & 0x0000ffff); break;
case 3: result = (reg << 24) | (mem & 0x00ffffff); break;
cpu->sys->writeMemory32(addr & 0xfffffffc, result);
// Load to coprocessor 2
// LWC2 ??? ???
void op_lwc2(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
assert(i.rt < 64);
auto data = cpu->sys->readMemory32(addr);
cpu->gte.write(i.rt, data);
// Store from coprocessor 2
// SWC2 ??? ???
void op_swc2(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
uint32_t addr = cpu->reg[i.rs] + i.offset;
assert(i.rt < 64);
auto gteRead = cpu->gte.read(i.rt);
cpu->sys->writeMemory32(addr, gteRead);
void op_breakpoint(CPU *cpu, Opcode i) {
cpu->sys->state = System::State::halted;
}; // namespace instructions