2018-11-06 21:00:38 +08:00

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# orbum [![Travis CI Status](https://travis-ci.com/hch12907/orbum.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/hch12907/orbum) [![AppVeyor Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/hch12907/orbum?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/hch12907/orbum)
#### PS2 Emulator
Based off PCSX2's codebase, this is a completely rewritten PS2 emulator.
It does not boot games (yet), only useful to developers for now.
I can only work on this in my spare time, so I am thankful for any help!
## Current status
Status as of 2018/08/06:
- Primary focus for now is on the VIF/IPU.
- Work started on the SPU2 (DMA and IOP communication done, sound generation still to be done).
- Work started on the SIO/SIO2 (controllers and MC's), IOP communication done.
- No work done yet on the IPU and GSCore.
- Everything else not mentioned mostly done (EECore, IOPCore, etc). Interpreters only for now, dynarecs will not come for a while.
## Build Instructions
### General Information
CMake is used as the build system.
The project uses the following dependecies:
- Boost library, which is configured by the CMake FindBoost module.
- Cereal for serialization.
Run the following commands to invoke a build:
`git submodule update --init --recursive`
`mkdir build && cd build`
`cmake ..` optionally specifying `-DBOOST_ROOT={path}` depending on your environment.
`make` (or equivalent)
## Running
Logging is always enabled and will save files to `logs/` (uses boost logging).
The bios file scph10000.bin should be placed in `bios/`.
Other bios' are not currently supported or tested with.
Upon Ctrl-C, a number of options will be presented:
- A memory dump (binary) can be created that will be placed in the `dumps/` folder.
- A save state (json/text readable) can be created that will dump the PS2 state for inspection. Uses the `saves/` folder.
## Licence